Defying Physics; Elon's new Cybertruck Design

 Elon Musk Unveils New Cybertruck Concept Design (


Elon live from Austin, Texas with the first look at the new Cybertruck model

     No man captivates the attention of a viewer quite like Elon Musk. Seen by many as a mad man, Elon has always found a way to push the boundaries of how cars can be built. Whilst many disagree with Elon's ideologies and marking, they still respect the logic and reasoning of his approach. But his new idea for the Cybertruck, seems to have completely turned all against him.

     This week, Elon gave his proposition for a 2D square model of the Cybertruck at his Austin, Texas press conference. Elon felt that a 3D model would come with way too many restrictions: weight, traffic, speeds, biomes. A 2D square model, was the solution to the problem. Elon heavily praised the corners that would allow the square to travel at any speeds, through air and water, at maximum efficiency. With this model, Elon had both the environment and peoples wants as his main selling point. Thus why Elon has stepped out the boundaries once again, in hopes to set a new standard in the vehicle industry.  

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Elon exuding with confidence about this project

     The timeline set for a release of the final product is dependent on stocks. Elon wants models to be distributed through Tesla once automaker stocks plummet 65%. Reason being he wants the car to become a trend. As for if Elon thinks his product will be sold or not, there wasn't any comments made. But what was noticable throughout was the confidence in his tone. The same confidence he had when talking about the Tesla. And why not. A similar scenario with haters and the odds against him, should have Elon conditioned to deal with all adversities coming his way. The satire of all this, is the fact that the laws of this universe deny any of this  of being possible. 

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